Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One Man's Trash

Fleur d' Lis painted gold.
You know the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure"  Well that is definitely true of this wrought iron & aluminum.  The storm of April 28, 2011 brought down a lot of trees etc and did a lot of damage.  This wrought iron & aluminum was the sides of one of those backyard shade structures with the canvas canopy.  Bruce and I were driving home when he saw it at the curb to go to garbage pick up.  After getting home he hoofed it down the street to claim it.  I did wonder what he was going to do with it.  He had to take a hacksaw to it to take the top off and then went to the hardware store to get plugs for the top of the wrought iron so that wasps etc do not make a nest in it.  Two of the panels were in better shape than the other two so he used them first, putting them on the back fence.  He did paint the Fleur d' lis a gold colour so they stand out.  Then he tacked them to the back fence with a nail & wound the clematis up the wrought iron.  It looks wonderful!

I cannot remember the name of the clematis that Bruce wound up the wrought iron but we did get it from President's Choice last year.  It blooms a purple colour, & is very pretty.  The other trellis on the back fence also has a clematis on it but it has decided to prefer running along the ground and twining in the campanula.  That one came from President's Choice last year as well.

The trellis' on the side fence were the ones in really bad shape.  Bruce painted the Fleur d Lis & also had to paint the black aluminum.  These ones do not have any clematis on them and will not.  They are decorative panels only.

The girls and I were cleaning the other day and came across this yellow Lego bucket.  It was taking up space so out it went.  It would have gone to the garbage it I had not looked at it & thought that would make a great planter and rescued it.  Bruce did have to drill holes in the bottom of the container for drainage.  Remember to re-use something first, that's more environmentally sound.

Here it is planted with Rocky Mountain Red Geraniums.  It is going to look spectacular, the yellow container contrasting to the bright red blooms.  This was Bruce's idea. 


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